Turning 26

Today’s post is pretty special considering it’s being written on my birthday and yes, I am 100% one of those people who gets super excited about their birthday. If you’re a New Girl fan, think of Jess on her birthday and that’s a pretty accurate description of how I feel about my own. I believe this was instilled in me from my mom who is also a big birthday fan. I’ve been counting the hours till this day for the last three days and I’m pretty sure my husband won’t complain when that part is over.

Today, I turn 26 and as upset as I sometimes find myself over this matter (being in your late 20’s isn’t nearly as fun as the early), I keep reminding myself that for 26, I’ve accomplished a fair amount. So far, I’ve traveled to 11 countries (a number that will be increasing by one exactly a month from today), I’ve graduated college and earned the title of Doctor of Pharmacy, I’ve started this blog after contemplating for years, I married the love of my life and I have made so many great memories and so many friendships over the years. So, for 26, not too shabby.

With my birthday being so close to the new year, I always take it especially seriously to come up with great goals and resolutions because they don’t just represent a new calendar year but a new age for me. At 26, I have plans to travel more, take more time for myself, make this blog the best it could be, spend quality time with my loved ones and to try new things.

Us Russians are big on wishing and toasting and this year, I want to wish to myself to appreciate what I have more and to worry less. My grandpa always says “worry about problems as they come, not before” and I really want to start incorporating those words into my life. So, 26-year-old Yuliya – relax. It’s all going to be okay.


12 Comments Add yours

  1. Happy Birthday! ❤ It's amazing what you've achieved, and I hope you travel more, make a lot of happy memories and take care of yourself! =)


  2. honorgreenwood says:

    Happy Birthday!!! X


  3. Alysha says:

    Happy birthday!! 🎈


  4. happy birthday! sounds like you’ve accomplished a lot so far 😄


  5. Happy Birthday! Best wishes for the next year Xx


  6. Sarah says:

    Happy Birthday!! You’ve achieved amazing things!


  7. Amberlee says:

    I just turned 26 myself and I definitely know how you feel and can totally relate to how you made this positive. Love this post! And happy belated birthday!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. mkgeorge10 says:

    We’re birthday twins! I love the quote from your grandpa. Hope you had a great birthday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you had a great one as well! I always get super excited when I hear about people having the same birthday 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!


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