Weekend in Philadelphia

About two weeks ago, my husband and I flew out to Philadelphia to finally visit his sister and brother in law in their new city. By new I mean about 3 years since that’s how long it took us to venture out that way. We had an absolute blast and were very productive, making the…

How to Spend 2 Weeks In Thailand – Itinerary and Tips

When it came to choosing our honeymoon destination, Thailand came up in the talks pretty early on. We knew we wanted a place that was going to offer multiple things – a big city to explore, some hiking and a beach. Another factor to consider was that we were going in February and we needed…

Honeymoon Planning

Whenever I talk about going on my honeymoon, everyone always tells me congratulations and asks me if I just got married. I did just get married… in September. Our honeymoon is pretty delayed considering my husband is in medical school and the timing after our wedding was less than ideal to just up and leave…

New York City During the Holidays

New York City is known for going all out during the holidays. It is the city that comes to mind first when thinking of holiday spirit. Some have the association due to Home Alone 2 (my generation, at least) and others have just seen images and videos of what the city turns into during this…

How To Spend Your New York Minute(s)

This post is going to be a long one, so I’m warning you now – grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, whatever floats you boat. Got it? Let’s get to the good stuff! You might be sick of hearing about my bachelorette weekend in New York City, but I promise that…