My Favorite Fall Trends – Olive , Burgundy and Leopard

There are the fall trends that everyone seems to be into – blanket scarves, plaid, pumpkin flavored everything and then there are those that are a little more individualized. My personal favorite fall trends include the color olive ( I’ve express my love for it many times) leopard print and burgundy. In the look I’ll be featuring today, I’ve put all those trends together into one outfit.


I’ve done a separate post on what to pair up the color olive ( you can read it here) as sometimes that’s a difficult color to match up with. I personally tend to lean towards other neutrals when wearing olive. The olive kimono I’m wearing is from Forever 21 (and there’s also a longer version that I wish I also had) and I wrapped a skinny brown belt around it to give it a little more shape. This is a great layering piece for fall. I usually wear a long white or black tank top under (I always make sure it’s either the same length as the kimono or even a bit longer).

Leopard Print

Leopard print gets tricky because it has to be just the right print for it not to look cheap.I love having a leopard print scarf as it always adds some oomph to an outfit that may be a bit boring by itself. I like pairing leopard with green, red, tan, black and navy. I tend to stay away from other colors when wearing leopard. I got my scarf at Express last year but it is unfortunately not being sold this season so some good ones can be found here from Nordstrom and here from Etsy.


I have had my burgundy booties for a few years now and they’re definitely one of my favorite fall staples. That color is so different yet goes with so many looks. Any color that I would consider neutral is fair game to wear with burgundy boots in my opinion. The ones I bought were from Shoedazzle and the most similar ones I can find are these ones from DSW. I have been seeing them everywhere lately but my favorite ones that I’ve found are these ones from Nordstrom (or just look at the whole “burgundy booties” search list as there are so many options to choose from) or these amazing combat burgundy booties from DSW.

Since all these colors can be paired up with neutrals and can be considered neutral themselves (yes, leopard to me counts almost as a neutral) they can all be worn together. I definitely recommend checking out some of these trends and items and incorporating them into your fall looks.


Let me know what your favorite fashion trends are by leaving a comment below! As always, I hope this was helpful and don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @styleprn .

5 Comments Add yours

  1. elmbennet says:

    I love the olive kimono! Olive is probably my favorite fall color looks great with Browns and blacks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree completely! Thank you!


  2. Pineapple says:

    I want a leopard print scarf now 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You should totally get one! Great fall staple!


  3. itsgeorgiaxoxo says:

    Loving your outfit!!


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